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Places of interest nearby

Waw kot is located close to several attractions that the city has to offer.
Below a number of nice locations in the city that are definitely worth a visit.

MAS | Museum Aan de Stroom

The MAS is more than a museum, a new place to gather where there is always something going on.

  • An escalator takes visitors from the ground floor to +9. Along the way, they take in the view of Antwerp through the 6-meter-high glass panels - a taste of what awaits at the top: a beautiful panorama of the city, the harbor and the Scheldt.

  • The MAS Boulevard is open Tuesday to Sunday from 9:30 am to midnight (until 10:00 pm in winter). There are no charges.

Hanseatic city place 1
2000 Antwerp
+32 3 338 44 00

Antwerp Zoo

The Antwerp Zoo is a zoo in the center of Antwerp, located right next to Antwerp Central station. It is the oldest animal park in the country one of the oldest in the world, founded in July 21, 1843.

Address: Koningin Astridplein 20-26, 2018 Antwerp

Opened: July 21, 1843

Opening hours: 10 am-7pm

Telephone: +32 3 224 89 10


This is one of the oldest remaining places in Antwerp. It is a maze of narrow alleys and passageways connecting houses with shops and cafes, etc. It is very easy to get lost…. So don't go if you are in a rush.
Although sometimes called an 'insider tip', this alley is a real MUST to see and the absolute gem. You will always find many visitors. In the vlaeykensgang you will find a small impression of what the old city center of Antwerp looked like in the 16th century.

For centuries the alley was in bad condition, but after a major restoration in 1960 it was a beautiful sight.

If you are lucky enough to be all there, you will experience the peaceful atmosphere that is in stark contrast to the busy states around it.

Entrance at Oude Koornstraat No. 16

Cathedral of Our Lady, Antwerp

Considered the largest Gothic cathedral in the lowlands, as it has been rebuilt over the 100's of years there are elements of the Renaissance, Rococo and Baroque in its architecture, as well as incredible carvings, as well as paintings by Rubens and many other world-class artists. From the 9th to 12th century it was the site of a small chapel. Construction of the new church began in 1352. Completed in 1521, and then it was gutted in 1533 by fire. With its 123 meter high tower it is still the tallest building in the center of Antwerp.

The only finished tower of the Cathedral of Our Lady has been defined as a masterpiece of stone lacework: delicate filigree decorations adorn the slender spire that rises ethereally and seemingly effortlessly. It is the main land mark of the city and defines the skyline, which is its highest point. It is especially from far beyond where you can appreciate how tall and slender this tower is. Although the tower is visible from many parts of the old city, it is from the water that gives you the best perspective, especially under the glowing rays of the setting sun.

Like the city's former bell tower, the cathedral's tower is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

You can climb the more than 500 steps to the top and enjoy the view over the city and the harbor, as well as the carillon it contains with 47 bells.

Entrance fee for the visit: € 5.00 (Adult)

Opening hours:
Mon-Fri: 10 am-5pm
Sa: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Su: 1:00 am to 4:00 am

Het Steen - National Maritime Museum, Antwerp

Het Steen, literally "The Stone", is often referred to as the castle, but was originally one of the old town's fortified gates, dating from around the 12th century. The building connected to the gateway was used as a prison from 1300, or so, until about 1827.

Under Charles V (circa 1520) it was rebuilt as a fortress with its impressive area of fire across the Scheldt, thus protecting the harbor and the medieval city. When the docks were renovated in the early 19th century the area was leveled to allow the reinforcement of the banks and the construction of new wharves.

From 1890 the building was used to house the Archaeological Museum and then in 1952 an annex was added to the Maritime Museum, which has since moved to the MAS.

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